5hb APRIL 2011
Semalam, video seks yang mula-mula disiarkan di Carcosa Seri Negara baru-baru ini telah ditayangkan sebahagiannya di laman web-laman web tukang sorak UMNO.
Keluarga kami telah diuji dengan pelbagai dugaan sejak 1998. Pelbagai fitnah dan tuduhan telah dilemparkan terhadap Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Setiap tuduhan tersebut adalah sendirinya terlalu berat, tetapi Datuk Seri Anwar terpaksa melalui satu demi satu tuduhan yang busuk, jelek dan jijik.
Namun jika disenaraikan semua tuduhan tersebut, nyata sekali tidak masuk akal bagaimana Datuk Seri Anwar dapat melakukan kesemuanya yang bertentangan antara satu sama lain.
Dalam kes video terbaru ini, kami sekeluarga memutuskan untuk menonton sendiri rakaman tersebut.
Video tersebut adalah bukti paling kukuh bagi sesiapa yang benar-benar mengenali Datuk Seri Anwar bahawa tuduhan terbaru ini satu lagi fitnah zalim dan palsu.
Siapa lagi yang lebih mengenali beliau dengan begitu intim kalau bukan kami, keluarga terdekat beliau, yang telah bersama beliau dalam susah dan senang, khusus dari saat beliau berada di arus perdana kepimpinan negara hinggalah ke hari-hari beliau mulai pulih dari serangan apabila beliau dibebaskan daripada penjara.
Jelas kelihatan susuk tubuh badan pelaku dalam video tersebut amat berlainan daripada susuk badan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Hal ini diperkukuh lagi memandangkan sejak lebih setahun yang lalu, anak-anak Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sering menemani beliau setiap kali beliau pergi melakukan aktiviti senaman dan fisioterapi selaku sebahagian daripada aktiviti pemuliharaan kesihatan tulang belakang.
Oleh itu, kami sekeluarga berpendirian bahawa keluarnya video ini adalah satu lagi contoh taktik politik lucah yang diangkat dan dijulang UMNO-Barisan Nasional. Kami menolak sekeras-kerasnya politik sebegini dan mengajak rakyat Malaysia dalam bersama menegakkan keadilan dan menolak politik kotor. Kembalikan agenda perjuangan menuntut reformasi menyeluruh dalam sistem politik, ekonomi dan sosial negara.
Kami ingat firman Allah s.w.t dalam surah Al-Buruj, ayat 10: “Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang memfitnah (membuat keburukan) kepada lelaki beriman dan perempuan beriman, kemudian (daripada kedurjanaan itu) mereka tidak bertaubat, maka bagi mereka azab neraka, dan bagi mereka azab yang membakar.”
Dalam menghadapi dugaan ini, kami yakin ada hikmah di sebaliknya. Pendedahan sedutan video ini dibuat pada 4 April 2011 – ulangtahun ke-12 Parti Keadilan Nasional yang lahir daripada kegawatan politik negara.
Fitnah dan tohmahan ini berpunca daripada ketamakan terhadap kuasa dan politik yang sudah hilang nilai moralnya. Kita sewajarnya berbincang secara kritis perbezaan pandangan kita, bukan dengan serangan peribadi yang kotor dan hina.
Kami berharap semua rakyat tidak terperangkap dengan permainan UMNO-Barisan Nasional ini, sebaliknya meneruskan usaha menegakkan keadilan dan memperjuangkan kebenaran.
Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat
Naib Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat dan Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai
Ahli-ahli Keluarga Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
5th APRIL 2011
Yesterday, the sex video that was first screened at Carcosa Seri Negara was shown in part on pro-UMNO websites.
Our family has been tested with many challenges since 1998. So many false accusations and aspersions have been cast onto the person of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Each accusation was no doubt a heavy burden, yet Datuk Seri Anwar had no choice but to wade through and overcome each and every disgusting, disturbing, and demeaning accusation.
Yet if we were to recall all these accusations, it is truly mind-boggling to imagine that Datuk Seri Anwar was guilty of committing each and every one of them, in which some accusations contradicted others.
In the case of this new video, our entire family made the decision to view said video.
The video is the clearest proof yet that for all those who truly know Datuk Seri Anwar, this new accusation is none other than a vile, false and baseless accusation.
Who else would know the man as intimately as us, his closest and nearest family members, who have been through thick and thin with him, from the moment he took in the mainstream leadership of this country through the dark days when he slowly recovered from all the pain he endured when he was imprisoned.
It is clear that the body and physique of the actor in the video is extremely different from the body and physique of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. This is strengthened by the fact that for over a year now Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been accompanied by his children whenever he exercises and undergoes physiotherapy as part of recuperative measures for his injured spine.
As such, our family holds the opinion that the spreading of this video is another example of the gutter politics that is patronized and valorized by UMNO-Barisan Nasional. We reject wholeheartedly this form of politics and call on Malaysians to be together with us in upholding justice and in the rejection of such politics. Let us together bring back the agenda for holistic reforms in the political, economic and social systems in our beloved nation.
We are reminded of Allah s.w.t.’s firman in surah Al-Buruj, verse 10: “Verily, those who put into trial the believing men and the believing women (by torturing them and burning them), and then do not turn in repentance (to Allah), then they will have the torment of Hell, and they will have the punishment of the burning Fire.”
In facing this attack on our family’s dignity, we believe that goodness will cannot but arise just as falsehood cannot but fall. The distribution of this edited video coincidentally falls on 4th April 2011, which we are reminded is the 12th anniversary of the birth of Parti Keadilan Nasional which arose, again, out of the tumult of national politics.
These accusations comes from the greed for power, and a form of politics which has lost its moral compass. We must be civil yet critical of our differing viewpoints, but should never resort to personal attacks that defile and defame.
We hope that all Malaysians will not be trapped by these games of UMNO-Barisan Nasional, but instead forge ahead in upholding justice and the truth.
President of Parti Keadilan Rakyat
Vice President of Parti Keadilan Rakyat and Member of Parliament for Lembah Pantai
Family members of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
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